Top 7 strategies to score 90% in Class 12th STD

Board exams bring a lot of stress and worries to the students. After passing with good grades in Class 10th, the students prepare for 12th Board exams. Even parents search for new online classes and experienced tutors to train their kids. Grades of 12th Std play an important role in making the future of the students. This blog lists the different ways in which you can score 90% in 12th Std. 

How to score 90 percent in class 12th STD – Top 7 Tips

Class 12th is one of the important stages for every student. Some golden tips by The Learners’ Academy are shared in this blog that can help students to get 90 percent in class 12 STD. They are:

1. Prefer syllabus books 

Many students refer to various materials and notes leaving syllabus books. It is not the right way to study if you want to score good grades in 12th std. You must study more from your syllabus books. You can also get a paper pattern from your syllabus books. Do not go for other irrelevant materials and notes while preparing for class 12th exams. 

2. Try better than the previous time 

You must work better than in previous exams. Look at the percentage you got in the last exams. Study a little more in every exam to get a higher percentage than the last ones. Your goal must be to increase your grades with every coming exam. In this way, you can defeat the previous grades and gain better marks in the next exams. 

3. Follow time management 

If you do not value time, there is no scope for gaining better grades. Class 12th is an important phase with a limited time. You must improve your habits daily. Take proper sleep and consume healthy meals. Apart from that, you must study tough subjects such as Biology and Chemistry in the early morning. Focus more on self-study rather than going to coaching classes. 

4. Concentrate on weak areas and work hard 

Every student has some difficulties in one subject. It is necessary to focus on weak areas and work harder on them. Getting good grades in these subjects will increase your overall percentage of class 12th. Many students neglect the subjects they don’t like and spend time learning other subjects. This is the wrong habit of studying and you might get low grades in the final exams because of some weak areas. 

5. Study English more 

Many students neglect English subjects thinking that it will not help in getting good grades. Avoid this mistake and concentrate on improving your English subject. You must also improve your Grammar and essay skills. It is necessary to devote few hours daily to English subjects. Gaining good grades in English subject will increase your overall percentage of Class 12th. 

6. Solve papers of previous exams 

Old exams papers give you a thorough idea of the question papers. Solve papers of previous years to gain better grades in Class 12th. But many students do not solve these papers seriously. This is the wrong habit and you must correct it. Solve every question paper as if you are giving final Board exams. 

7. Revise on the last night and take a rest 

Last say study has a great significance in exams. You must revise the syllabus on the last day to remember all the things that you studied for the full year. Besides, you must also take a long sleep 8 hours before the exam night to relax your mind. 


These are the important tips that will help to score 90% in Class 12th. Try these strategies while preparing for Class 12th Board exams.